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Mission Journeys

Mission Journeys is a global ministry based out of Lexington, KY, that exists to challenge both churches and Christians while meeting needs around the globe. Through Mission Journeys, Mt. Eden has helped folks in neighboring states recover from natural disasters and we’ve also taken short-term mission trips to Native American Indian Reservations. This is our “Samaria,” helping places close by that are culturally different. The partnership with Mission Journeys (where Pastor Greg served from 1995-2015) also allows Mt. Eden to help people and ministries OUTSIDE the United States!

In 2023, we used Mission Journeys for our Vacation Bible School mission. Our kids packed just over 1,080 meals for children in Haiti and collected an offering of $1,380 for the global outreach of Mission Journeys!

Update on Wayne's recent mission trip to Africa and how they distributed the Bibles we helped purchase at VBS this summer.

He was blessed to witness 33 Baptisms in a rural area of Tanzania. Your funds were used to buy a bible for each of the ones baptized. Bibles were also purchased for Kenya and Pakistan.

The pictures included were from the Tanzania part of the recent mission trip.

For more information about Mission Journeys...Click Here